Why Microwave Sparks? Can I use it after sparks?

4 min readSep 2, 2021


The microwave sparks and you’re not sure if it’s safe to use the microwave again. The microwave is a kitchen appliance that we all use, but have you ever wondered how microwave ovens work?

Microwaves cause water molecules in food to vibrate rapidly, turning them into heat energy. This process causes friction between the molecules and creates a build-up of energy until something has to give — usually an electric spark!

What causes sparks inside a microwave ?

There can be several causes for microwave sparks:

If microwave ovens are used incorrectly or the microwave is not working properly, then it could cause a spark and damage to your microwave. This can happen if food that has water in it (such as vegetables) is heated for too long or at too high a power level.

Can I use my microwave after it sparks?

Yes! It’s perfectly safe to continue using your microwave — as long as you don’t see any sparking again!

The only thing we recommend doing is stirring the contents of your microwaved meal before heating them for another minute. That way, there won’t be anything left over which might create an electrical charge when heated again.

If you want to avoid this problem completely though, why not invest in a microwave with a turntable? The microwave’s rotating mechanism means that food will be heated more evenly — and hopefully there’ll be no sparking!

Also read this other article on microwave for elderly with vision problems.

Are microwave ovens safe if they are sparking inside of them?

If you want to know weather they are safe or not, a microwave oven is generally safe to use, however they can be damaged if the sparking occurs repeatedly.

If your microwave sparks frequently, you may have a faulty appliance and should contact customer service for further assistance.

Are microwave ovens dangerous if they are sparking inside of them?

Microwave ovens can become dangerous when microwaves escape from the microwave into your home or business because it could cause harm to anyone in its path even though there has been no injury reported due to this causing damage .

The FDA requires that all new microwave ovens must contain safety features so as not to emit hazardous levels of microwaves.

These built-in devices will automatically turn off whenever too much microwave radiation escapes from the unit during an overheat event within the microwave oven.

What causes microwave to spark inside?

There are several things that can cause a microwave to spark inside of it, any one of them could be the reason you’re seeing sparks coming from your microwave!

It’s important not to try and fix this yourself because high voltage electrical components will definitely pose a huge safety risk for anyone who does not know what they are doing or has no experience with electronics .

You should always contact an experienced technician whenever possible. Some common reasons why microwaves may start sparking include: — The magnetron tube needs replacing; which is usually caused by over-heating due to food blocking air vents or burning out electronic components in the microwave oven control panel.

If you notice darkness on the screen when using the appliance, it means that the microwave oven has a faulty control panel and this could be causing the microwave to spark.

  • The microwave door is not properly closed; even something as simple as not shutting your microwave door tightly enough can cause excessive sparking because of microwaves building up inside.
  • If you don’t close your microwave’s door, microwaves cannot escape from the unit — creating an electrical charge which leads to sparks! Always check both sides before closing so there isn’t any light escaping or showing through on either side.

Also Read: Best Retro Microwaves For Your Kitchen

Why does a microwave create sparks when turned on ?

Well high chances are that you have forget a metal piece inside the microwave which is heated up by microwave radiation, the metal piece heats up and starts creating sparks.

Almost all microwaves have this issue so if you are using a microwave oven regularly then it’s best that you check for any metals pieces or cutlery before running your microwave to avoid sparking inside of the unit .

How to get rid of sparking inside of microwave?

If you want to get rid of the sparks inside the microwave, you can purchase a microwave oven with a turntable.

This is because microwaves with a rotating plate will heat food more evenly and it reduces the chances of sparks being created inside your appliance .

I also recommend you to take the appliance to a repair shop and get it checked out.

Can microwave ovens spark inside?

Yes microwave ovens can cause sparks inside of them if the door is not properly closed or something metallic has been left inside.

Microwaves may also spark when they are turned on, this is because metal pieces heat up and create an electrical charge which leads to sparking .

These sparks will eventually damage your microwave so you should avoid using a microwave with any kind of sparks coming fromit as much as possible!

There is always the option to purchase microwaves that have turntables instead which helps reduce chances of sparking by evenly distributing heat throughout cooking food

Is it safe to use my microwave after it starts sparking ?

It’s generally fine to continue using your microwave even though it may have started sparking a little bit, as long as you make sure the microwave door is tightly closed and there’s nothing metal inside.

However if your microwave starts emitting sparks consistently or it emits large amounts of sparks then I would recommend taking the unit to a repair shop because these could be signs that something dangerous is going on .

It’s also important not to leave any kind of spoons or cutlery in the microwave when not using it because they can cause excessive sparking by heating up from microwaves radiation

